Sunday, October 6, 2013

self dates are important.

Self dates are important. Whether you stay at home, sipping tea with your cat or you take yourself out for a night on the town, it is important to make sure you get some time to yourself to decompress and charge your battery. This is something that I have been very naughty at since landing in England.

Since I arrived in Manchester almost three weeks ago, I have been constantly surrounded by people. American, British, Spanish...the whole lot. Being in a new environment can be lonely, so I think everyone has banded together and made little families to make up for the fact that we are all so far away from our loved ones. And everyone is absolutely amazing and worth wanting around constantly so it makes it hard to realize that sometimes the one person you want to spend the day with is yourself. That being said, I took myself on a date today.

River on one side, grassy field on another. 

Every website that mentions traveling in or visiting Chester talks about walking the ancient Roman wall. If you're like me, you're probably thinking "oh that sounds like something that would be interesting...maybe I'll do it once or twice". Nope. Every day. It's honestly my favorite way to get around the city center. You get to zip around the center, skipping over all the crowded streets and you get a beautiful view (almost) the whole way. I won't bother to give you a history lesson, but google the Roman walls of Chester. I promise it's interesting. 

My absolute favorite place in Chester so far has to be along the River Dee. There are small pop-up snack huts and ferries that roam the water. There is a gazebo where musicians play along the water's edge and I can't get enough. So many ducks/geese/swans to feed, so little time. Today I took my lunch to the river and what did I find? A marathon and a jazzy little band playing. Happy Sunday! 

After lunch I browsed every single shop in Chester. I have this mysterious and perhaps nonexistent pair of boots stuck in my head and I won't stop until I find them. Unfortunately, they are still in hiding so I had to treat myself to some new makeup. My excuse? I can't find this foundation in the states. ;) Worth it. 

I hope you have a happy self-date and treat yourself to something pretty. ;)


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