Wednesday, April 9, 2014

is oil pulling worth the hype?

How long has this whole oil pulling fad been around? I've at least been hearing about it for a year or so - if not longer, and have always written it off as something that probably works but requires too much effort to attempt. I have long-since been an extreme believer in coconut oil (thank you, mom) and use it in pretty much every way possible. I deep condition my hair with coconut oil. I shave my legs with coconut oil. I cook with coconut oil and even feed it to my dog (she loves it!). All these things have had me in awe of this wonderful product of nature - so why was I so hesitant to take a spoonful and swish?
First let's hammer down exactly what oil pulling is. Oil pulling is an ancient method of maintaining oral health. Typically, one uses sesame seed oil and swishes it around in their mouth (don't swallow!) for 10-20 minutes, daily. The oil absorbs harmful bacteria and toxins, pulling them from your gums/teeth/etc. It also (bonus!) whitens your teeth along the way. I don't know about you, but the thought of oil just hanging out in my mouth, having a pool party or some nonsense is not exactly a pleasant thought and honestly, I almost gag at the thought. When I was in high school and had to wear a retainer (so hip), I gagged at just having THAT in my mouth for a length of time. How am I supposed to stand a glob of oil? Regardless of my hesitations, this morning I gave it a try. 
I chose to use coconut oil because:
A) I am already a firm believer in coconut oil.
B) Everyone on Instagram uses coconut oil in THEIR oil pulling sessions and you have to fit in, right?
C) I am a poor college student who cannot afford to run about, collecting oils. I already own coconut oil so the prize pony picked itself.

Despite my reservations, I am here to tell you that it wasn't so bad. Once everything melted. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature and the spoonful I put in my mouth was spit RIGHT back into the sink on impact. I just was not prepared for the feeling of a cold chunk of slippery oil to exist in my nice, safe and unsuspecting mouth. It was very unhappy at first. 

A little word of advice, go slowly. Try a little oil at a time, building up to swish-ability. If you put a giant heap in your mouth (like I did) you will be sick and hate your life, okay? Take your time and adjust to it unless you are some Bizarre Foods kind of gal...or guy. Eventually it'll melt and you'll be left with a relatively tasteless but very silky liquid. 

I was able to go beyond what I thought I could - about 15 minutes before I had to run out the door. I checked my teeth when I got to the car and although I am willingly suggesting that it could simply be my overactive imagination, they did appear a tad whiter. 

Regardless, I'm on board with this band wagon. My sun, my moon, my coconut oil. 


Have you guys tried oil pulling? Let me know your experiences! 

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