Sunday, September 22, 2013

from my new bed.

Yesterday was a day of many things. It was a day of waiting. It was a day of train rides. It was a day of venturing to Liverpool and it was a day of more waiting. It was also the day we got to move into our permanent home...or at least as permanent as three months can be. 

I quite like it and you know what? I'm actually glad I got a roommate, but I'm sure I'll elaborate on that later. Right now I'm typing from my phone-dedication-because I just wanted to upload to say "hey, I'm alive". 

These past few days have been non-stop and so any free time I have had has been used searching for wifi so I can let Jonathan know I have yet to meet Hugh Grant. (Who knew England was so big? One man can only hide for so long.) ;) Hopefully once all of the "welcome to England, don't get yourself killed" meetings are over and classes begin (I believe next Monday?) I'll be far better at updating and writing about actual things and not about how busy I've been and the reasons I CAN'T write. 

Forgive me.
Pictures soon! 


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