...until I became one of those people.
To be fair, Whole30 isn't exactly Paleo, but it's close enough that recipes and guidelines can pretty much be swapped at times. Whole30, for all intents and purposes, is a more strict and controlled version. No sugars, no breads (NO BREADS, ANDREA), and no processed junk. Basically, anything with a list of ingredients is out of the picture. Stick to apples, kid.
Whole30 is supposed to last a month, and I don't know if magical fairies are supposed to descend from the heavens when you make it through without cheating, but I'm expecting results. When I decline offers to go eat all the tacos in the world, I expect something to happen...and I think that might in fact be what is happening. Perhaps there are no fairies guiding me through this, but I do already feel more energized, my skin is clearer than ever, and after five days, I'm feeling slightly less bloated (is it in my mind)?
Regardless, even if I'm still the same old Andrea as before, I do believe that there is an importance in taking the time to really examine what you're eating and the relationship it plays with your body and your health. I know after this cleanse/program/etc. I will be quickly implementing certain foods back into my diet, such as greek yogurt and black beans, because let's face it, it's cruel to deny a girl certain human rights. Although there are certain things I feel are silly to omit, I am starting to realize that for the majority of my life, I've had an unhealthy relationship with food. I have loved it dearly and have accepted it into my life without question. Hey french bread, want to get in my arms? Hey cheese mountain, you're looking good today.
A few months ago, I had this realization about my life and the people in it. I finally came to the understanding that if people are draining you of happiness, of positivity, of creativity or of stamina, they really are serving no purpose for you. If someone doesn't challenge you to grow, show you love or truly want you to succeed, it is only healthy to cut them from your social circle and refuse to let them affect you any further. If this can be said so easily about people, I needed (and am in the process of understanding) that the same can be said for food. Yeah, that bread looks about as good as that negative person was, for whatever reason, attractive to you. In the same way that a negative person, although funny and charasmatic, can drag you down, unfortunately so will that cheese pizza. Too bad it tastes so good while it's doing so. ;)
Although I'm only on day 5 of 30, I'm beginning to really see the correlation and I am starting to see the positive benefits and how they are coming from the food I choose to fill myself with. I am truly excited to see how the rest of the month plays out (oh Easter, I know you'll be filled with deliciousness...). Wish me lot's of luck when those chocolate bunnies stare me down. ;)
Oh, and here's a new find! While at Kitchen and Company, I ran across a fun little device called the Veggetti, which transforms your favorite vegetables into pasta! I've used it twice and can honestly see this being used for ages to come (even after whole30 is over) when the pasta craving kicks in. Here's lunch yesterday: zucchini pasta, roasted tomatoes, spinach, grilled chicken and mixed together with a little olive oil. As a pasta lover, I honestly think this meal ended up as good as any spaghetti/etc. dish I've ever made. I highly insist upon making this little gizmo yours!